
  1. On this page you will find drone tutorials along with tips and tricks!
  2. We have begginer tutorials and 6 tips and tricks to get you started!
  3. For advanced drone fliers you will learn 5 different flying techniques as well as things you didn't know about your drone.
  4. Techniques for advanced flies!

    1. The most simple technique is giong up while the camera is facing down. This shows the whole area surrounding the subject or the point of interest.

    2. The next technique that I am going to teach you is going up while also moving back and at the same time keeping the camera on the subject or point of interest.

    3. Another technique that I have learned is getting really close to an inadiment object and going up while pulling the camera down to face the object. (This works well on a tree as the oject).

    4. This next technique is the exact oposite of the previous one which is to get really close to the object but now go down from where you left off which should be higher than the object and as your going down tilt the camera up to face the object. (This als oworks really well on a tree as the object).

    5. For this next one make sure someone's watching you so your drone doesn't crash. (Preferebly someone who knows how to fly the drone well). Make sure you get close to the object fist so you can see that it is right above the object. Then throttle far back and speed it as fast as you can foward towards the oject. (This is good to use on a house or a tree. Agian make sure not to crash your drone with this technique)!

    10 Tips and tricks for drone flyiers to get started!

    1. First of all if you have a proffessional drone make sure to register with the FAA

    2. For this tip all drone fliers should know which is that the left stick controls up and down and the right stick controls foward, backward, left and, right. Now for more expensive drone the left stick should be up, down, pan right, and pan left.

    3. Paning means to tilt the whole drone and it's camera left and right.

    4. Also on more proffesional drones you can tilt the camera down and up for a more interesting shot. (When I say shot I meaning to film or take a picture of something or someone).

    5. The best drone to get for racing is a drone not too fast but not too slow. (For starters you should get a racing drone that goes 60-80 MPH

    6. If you have an expensive drone it comes with a gimbal protecter so always make sure to take that off before flight!